Hi There Am Kiya Alemayehu


Kiya Alemayehu Kenea

Project Management

I am so grateful for the opportunities that have been given to me. 
I am graduate Master’s Degree in (1) Urban Management on 2011 and (2) project Managemant 
I had an experiences in high problem soving skills on project management, coordination and leader ship, program management,  partcipatory planning and budgeting, Land management, Infrastructure planning and management with total   16 solid years’ experiences in different positions.  
I diligently:  Provided youth development activities 
I am working as a Planning, budgeting and participation specialist participating in exerting technical support for cities. My responsibility include capital Projects planning, budgeting and technical support for its implementation, participatory planning, project procurement and contract administration; project monitoring, evaluation and reporting. Now I can work any work that may not need any specialization including farm works as a laborer to support my family. Thank You In Advance