Sunflower unlike other crops does well under drought conditions that being the main reason it's grown in the marginal areas of South Africa. The crop is sensitive to high soil temperatures. The crop is very prone to damage by birds hence not suitable to be grown in some areas. Growing sunflower requires low maintenance costs hence an advantage to the growers. Sunflower has a short growth period and hence can be planted in three months.
Sunflower does well in a variety of soil types however, some clay soil is not suitable for growth. Sunflower has deep and finely branched tap root system that can utilize water from deep soil layers. Frequently the crop does well even during a dry season. Since sunflower is prone to wind damage in the seedling stage. The cultivation should be done on light-textured soil suspectable to wind erosion. Production stability is enhanced by the application of cultivation practices that limit moisture stress as far as possible. The soil is cultivated by plowing with a mouldboard plow or chisel plow that is suitable. The aim is to break up limiting layers, destroy weeds and provide a suitable seedbed, and also to ensure maximum rainfall invitation.
Sunflower is usually cultivated in rotation with sorghum or maize the benefits are the mulch.
Sunflower is planted according to the temperatures of the area where it is being grown to avoid the risk of damage and poor production.
High soil temperature during planting lead to poor emergence. The correct and uniform planting system is the basis of good yield and high production rates. Sunflower seeds are relatively planted at shallow depths. If the soil has high clay content the depth should be up to 50mm. During planting the spacing should be even. Ensure good contact between the seed and the soil.
Good weed control is recommended for high sunflower yields. The farmer can control the weeds either by chemicals or mechanical methods. If the grower is not conversant with the appropriate chemicals they should consult a farmhouse. The young sunflower plants are sensitive to weed damage hence they should be controlled. The first six weeks are very prone to weed damage and hence should be well taken care of. Crop rotation with other crops also reduces the chances of weed control. Weed and Pest problems reduce with crop rotation.
Harvesting starts as soon as 80% of the sunflower heads are brown to minimize losses caused by birds or lodging and shattering.
For more information on the growth and production of Sunlight, you can contact