Hi There Am Sandra

A qualified competent nurse with good documentation and observation skill
Excellent oral and written communication skill
Ability to maintain confidentiality of information relating to patients, staff and other health service business Ability to maintain concentration for long period
Proactive, mentally and physically strong and emotionally stable
Promoting and upholding standards according to the highest codes of practice
Able to give detailed and proper documentation
Able to write reports and recommendation in an engaging and compelling way
Experience in person —centered medical care of adult patients with acute and chronic conditions Competent in performing triage, history taking, assessing patients medical needs Possess basic life saving skills
Proficient in patient education and documentation with sensitivity to accuracy and confidentiality always Proficient in drugs administration including oral, parenteral, topical etc
Ability to learn new skills and adapt to new environment fast
Proficient at wound dressing with sensitivity to sterile and aseptic non-touch technique Readily develop rapport and active listening among patients, family, staff and physician
Committed to team work and quality service improvement   Excellent Billings's natural family planning provider