Hi There Am Apryl

Im 29, years old. Hard working person. I know i can do the duties and responsibilities that you will be given to me. A responsible person most especialy in the working hours. I'm fast learner. I have simple life here in the philippines with my dad, and youngest brother and also with my nice. My sister Is currently working in taiwan. I been 6 years working there too as a machine operator in the electronics industries. Now im here at the philippines due of end of my contract on my past company. I hope you will give me a chance to get this job. Any job sir, mam i will accept it. Because i want to reach my dream and also to help my family. Pls one of my dreams is to work at the crewship. Pls give me a chance to work and ve a part of your company.

Thank you for sending le a emain its maen a lot to me.