Hi There Am Romer

’m reaching out to apply for the caregiver role, I recently graduated with passion for caregiving with a strong focus on elderly and child care support, and have knowledge and skills such as bathing, toileting, cleaning living room, dining room, bed rooms, toilet and bathroom, maintain healthy and safe environment, provide care and support to people with special needs and more related skills in caregiving, That’s why caregiving role is appealing to me, I’d love the opportunity to contribute and learn more as part of your team. Before i studied caregiving, i had an experience in being a carer, because I was my grandparents' personal carer, they are both sick, my grandfather has dementia and diabetes, and my grandmother has diabetes and kidney failure, we are their personal caregivers together with my wife who is now a caregiver, we have been their carer for several years, our daily routine is consist of different task such as, taking vital signs, toileting, bathing/bed bathing, meal preparation, assisting them using assistive devices, moving from bed to wheelchair vice versa, range of motion exercises, home management such as toilet cleaning, laundry, cooking, house cleaning, coffee making, and going to dialysis center 3 times week for my Grandma, our daily task is supervised by a registered nurse. This is why we decided to study caregiving and recently graduated with national certificate 2 for caregiving from Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) from Philippines. We will be willing to be train more to improve our knowledge and skills.