Hi There Am Yihun


Yihun Kebede

Logistics and supply chain management

It is my pleasure to apply and join your organization for the above subject position.
I have degree in logistics and supply chain management from Addis Ababa university
school of commerce and diploma in purchasing & supply chain management from
Adams University Collage.
I took necessary courses such as supply management, logistics, purchase procedure,
transit, and transportation. Also, I have 1 years & 4-month work experience at Zenith
Gebs Eshet Ethiopia ltd as Customs Transit and Banking, I have 8 years work
experience at Burayu Development Plc. In Senior foreign purchase officer, Senior
Logistics officer at Woda Metal Industry Plc and until present I am Foreign and Local
Procurement supervisor. I take international Standard organization (ISO) quality
management course by AJB institution of quality management and KIAZEN by Gaki
business consultant plc. In both companies off job training program.
I am very interested to join in your esteemed non-profit organization, please refer my
CV and Testimonial and Am ready to interview for your inconvenience.
Your Faithfully,