Hi There Am Tekalign

I have graduated from Ambo University with both Bachelor degree (B.Sc.) in plant science in 2008 and Masters of Science degree (M.Sc.) again from Ambo University in 2013 in crop protection.  I was employed in June 2013 at Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)) and currently I am working as researcher I (plant pathologist) in Ambo Agricultural Research Center (AARC). I am also 38 years old

The main of activities during the past of my experience at this research institute are Study on micro-flora of disease in Ethiopia and analyzing the factor to prioritize the problems, pre- and post-harvest loss quantification and associated factors, generation of disease management practices technologies (host resistance, biological control and cultural methods), developing an integrated disease management for cereal crops (Barley, rice), Pulse crop (Faba bean) and Horticultural crop (potato, garlic) on economic important pests, I have coordinating of different projects nationally and giving training for experts, on major important crop production and protection packages. 

The training or study on PhD Doctoral will enable me to acquire new knowledge and skills in the area of my specialization and experience when I participate on the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship. I will have excellent exposure to any like position that related to Agricultural area which will enable me make of you company to be profitable. 

With best regards