Hi There Am Degendran

Accomplished Internship as Software Engineer @ IMTE Dept. on Assisting Quality Management on Achieving Automate Inspection System (Project). Working on CNC Machinists (Vison Engineering) hardware & software on creation Test Programs for BMI portfolios. Identifying software and hardware compliance to BMI. Problem solving on (VE) constrains and dealing with vendors and developers.. >5 years experienced Quality Controller with a demonstrated history of working in the medical device industry. Skilled in Medical Devices & SAP, Axapta, AS400, MySQL, Database Management System, MS Project, JAVA, C+, VB.Net. Strong operations professional with a Diploma focused on Information System Executive. And pursuing Bachelor Science and Technology in Software Engineering. When I am not working, I spend my time in fulfilling and relaxing pursuits such as reading, painting, developing programming skills, browsing space technologies and galaxies formations and researching on paranormal activity. I enjoy connecting with people and I am open to interesting work offers from Malaysia and abroad.