Hi There Am Abigael Kartika

Dear Director of Human Resources , 

As an experienced Boutique Manager , I was excited to find that my qualifications and personal strengths align with your needs and mission. I bring a comprehensive set of skills that i believe will be valuable to your company. In my previous job role I honed my abilities in setting goals and implementing policies , providing a firm foundation for the boitique manager position. My Interpersonal people - centric nature and compassion have afforded me excellent problem solving skills. 

I am excited to contribute my talent and profeciency in teamwork toward your team efforts. As an engaging communicator with a proven track record in improving performance , my focus on building strong professional relationships has been a beneficial asset throughout my career. 

Please review my enclosed resume for more in-dept illustration of my work history and accomplishment . I would appreciate the oppotunity to interview at your earliest convenience . I'm eager to disscus how my personality and background. 

I'm available for day or night shifts depending on your specific needs in either case. I'm sure that my experience and skills will be a usefulresource for your company. Thank you for your time and consideration of my candidacy.


Sincerely ,

Abigael Kartika Chan