Hi There Am Sserunjogi

I am Sserunjogi Anthony, 24 years of age and a graduate at Makerere university. I am a happily working agriculturalist specializing in swine management, an experience I have gathered for a couple of years through the different practical course units at the university, internship/trainships, volunteering processes and work experiences from the different farms I have worked on as I generate more agricultural knowledge and  technologies in swine management. My strength is that I always  believe in continuous learning inorder to acquire more skills because agriculture is a highly dynamic field, I also believe in team work because it's through team work that we can easily accomplish work tasks as we learn from the beauty of talents in such a group. 

My weakness is that I highly feae being underated which has intern boosted me to work so hard always to attain success regardless of the situation.

My hobby is reading novels and other related literature for this has enabled me venture more in the understanding of people dynamic and how we can positively cope up with each and everyone in life for greatness.

I also love sports such as football and netball.