Hi There Am Festus

Currently, I work at Rabadiya Construction Company as health, Safety and Environmental officer. I've been there for just two years. My responsibilities include conductin Safet Training , curring out first aid and ensuring that personal protectiv equipment (PPE ). I love the lively and busy environment of Rabdiya Construction Company, and it's helped me learn how to multitask and manage my time efficiently. Before working at Rabdiya Construction company I worked as an electrician for a year. This role helped me develop electrical skills and become more knowledgeable a team-oriented environment.I'm looking to further develop my skill of problem-solving as a safet officer  in a construction environment. I'm interested in your company specifically as the employees have a great reputation for delivering services while maintaining a lively and dynamic environment even as they learn. Outside of work, I love sports and taking safety orientations with my friends. While I genuinely enjoy these activities, they also help me refine my professional skills."