Hi There Am Leidy Katherine


Leidy Katherine Herrera Fuquene

Agriculture Engineer

I'm Katherine Herrera, I'm agricultural engineer. I would love to work as General Farm Worker or agricultural engineer; I’m thrilled at the opportunity to bring my skills and background of knowledge to use in the company’s aims, besides improve my knowledge and experience.
As an intern at Acorn Farms, I learned about the correct management of horticulture plants and spacing plants according to their species and kind of phenology. Furthermore, I understood the water requirement, kind of pot per different plant, depth, and how to sow each sprout in its respective pot. Then, when the plant needed more light, less humidity, or an improved microclimate to reduce diseases, it was trimmed; if we needed to remove branches to correct growth and structure, it ‘was pruned. All that kind of work was done in teams, and I stood out for my work’s ethics, efficiency, and quality.
The agriculture sector is complex and demanding, and that’s why I love it. Thankfully, I have a great deal of energy and enthusiasm, which I spend on all tasks related to improving and caring for a crop. I am organized, creative, analytic, and curious; the last one helps me solve problems. My analysis capabilities helped to explain why there was low production and, probably, low yield in the future at MTJA a fruit farm. In addition, my initiative on predator’s mites showed a better response with less product use and improved the knowledge of mite behaviour with climate maps.
Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to sharing more details of my experience and motivation with you.