Hi There Am Emilia

Emilia Kamunyaru|Care Assistant

Address: 25 Huxton Street,

Waterfalls, Harare,


Cell Number: +27 614 651 921

Email: emiliakays@gmail.com

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my interest in the Care Assistant position within your organization. With nearly

5 years of experience in the health and social care field, I am confident that I can exceed your

expectations in this role. Having worked in a variety of settings, I am familiar with providing dignified

and respectful care to individuals of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities. I have a comprehensive

understanding of the medical, physical, and emotional needs of those in my care, and strive to always

provide compassionate and caring support. I am adept at helping those I work with to maintain their

independence and dignity and am comfortable providing assistance with activities of daily living. I am

also familiar with the use of a variety of medical and health related equipment. I graduated from my

class with top grades, and I can provide references and recommendations from my instructors. As part

of completing the credentials, I completed an intensive work placement at Thompson Elderly Hospital

& Comfort Care international, where I was responsible for assisting patients in grooming, eating, and

exercising, as well as taking daily vital signs. There I worked with experienced mentors, and they

taught me how to manage the day-today care of patients, as well as handling urgent emergency

situations. In addition, my expertise in problem solving, communication, and organization are

unparalleled. I have a knack for establishing good working relationships with both clients and their

families and am committed to providing excellent customer service. I am also adept at working with a

team and take direction well. I am confident that my skills, experience, and enthusiasm for the role

make me an ideal candidate for the Care Assistant job. I am excited to have the opportunity to work

with your team and look forward to discussing my qualifications further.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Emilia Kamunyaru